- Click into your document and select ‘Manage Rule’ -> ‘Create Rule’
- Select your export integration and fill in your Workflow export settings. Do note that it is essential to fill in these before proceeding to your Xero Settings.
- Xero Settings: The default setting that would be applied to your documents for your Item options.
- Next, double check your Document Settings to ensure that they are inputted correctly
- Rounding Error Settings: You have an option to automatically generate a rounding figure should there be a variance in tax computed by Xero v.s. Your Invoice. The rounding error is the difference between Line Items + Tax and Invoice Total. Pro Tip: Tolerance amount is subjective, and most businesses prefer below $0.05.
- Type of Export: To set up Item Options, you should select Multiple (Line items) and refer back to your document under ‘Tables’
- Item Options: Item Option Identifiers in your rule should be matched to the extracted results in the Line Item Table.
- Toggle Exact Matches Only to either read for a substring in your line item or apply Item Option only on Exact Matches.
- Turn off Exact Matches Only if you would like to read for a substring.
- Exact Matches Only Toggle OFF
- Identifier = “Greek Yoghurt”
- Item Option settings apply to both “Greek Yoghurt Non Fat 500g” and “Greek Yoghurt Vanilla 250g”
- Turn on Exact Matches Only if you would like the entire line to match.
- Exact Matches Only Toggle ON
- Identifier = “Greek Yoghurt Non Fat 500g”
- Item Option settings apply to “Greek Yoghurt Non Fat 500g” and not “Greek Yoghurt Vanilla 250g”
- Turn off Exact Matches Only if you would like to read for a substring.
- Toggle Exact Matches Only to either read for a substring in your line item or apply Item Option only on Exact Matches.
8. Save rule.